It’s been more than seven years since I redid my website. Back then, I poured quite a bit of time into my personal website, agonizing over the design, posting to my blog, and coming up with ideas for new content. But after things started picking up with my company Barrel, which is in the business of making websites, I didn’t want to spend any more of my personal time on yet another site. I also became very complacent about writing.
This time around, I’ve decided to forgo the design process. I’ve installed the default WordPress TwentyTwelve theme. It feels simple enough and I don’t have any complaints for the way it looks. I think this site will mostly be text-based with the occasional photo image or screenshot.
As for the things I hope to write about, I’ve been giving it some thought. These are some initial ideas:
- Lessons I’ve learned from being a small business owner, organized in a manner that may hopefully be of use to other people in a similar situation.
- Speculation and sketches of random ideas that occur from time to time.
- Things I’ve enjoyed and would recommend to others, including books, travel experiences, movies, and dining establishments.
- My attempts at self-improvement and how they fare.
I hope that the things I write avoid being bland. My goal is to work towards a comfortable voice and a style that is at once easy to read but also entertaining and informative. Only practice–disciplined, sustained practice–will get me there.